
Tuesday, June 20, 2006


الحرية كلمة اعشقها واستمتع بممارسة مختلف جوانبها
اتلذذ حين تقودني لاكتشاف مشاعر جديده وتجارب جديده وخوض حياه جديده
الحرية مسؤولية فرد لحماية مجتمع
الحريةهي كيف ان تتلذذ بحياتك وتكون مسؤول عن افعالك
لاابالغ ان قلت ان نقطة ضعفي حريتي
اكره كلمات النهي والنفي واخوانها ومرادفاتها وكل مايتصل بها
اكره سماعها دون ان اجدد لها مبرر منطقي وعقلاني مقنع
اكره سماعها لمجرد ارضاء الاخرين او المجتمع سواء اتصل ذلك بالدين ام لم يتصل
اكره سماعها لان المساواه في الظلم عدل بل هو بنظري اظلم من الظلم
اكره سماعها لاني اكره كل لافته تناقض في محتواها وتعادي كلمة حرية
انا لست من دعاة الحريه او التحرر او العلمانيه او الليبراليه او كل هذه المصطلحات والفرق والمجموعات ولا اصنف نفسي واحده منها لمجرد اني احب ان امارس حريتي واتلذذ بها ضمن حدود سماحة الدين ودون ان اخالف شريعتي
احب الوسطيه احب ان امارس كل ماهو مباح كل ما لم ينكر او يحرم كل مايسعني تجربته واكتشافه
احب ان اشعر ان ما هو ملكي ملكي اتصرف فيه كما يحلو لي وكما احب
والملك لله ونعم بالله
فانا اتحدث في نطاق البشر
فوقتي ملكي
وجسدي ملكي
وعقلي ملكي
وحياتي ملكي
ونجاحاتي ملكي
وكل ما من الله به علي ملكي
اشاركه مع من احب
واتقاسمه مع من احب
حين يغفل من حولنا ماتعنيه لنا حرياتنا
تصدر من افواههم حروف النهي والامر
متلذذين بترديدها
المدير مع الموظف
الام مع الاولاد
الاولاد مع الخادمه
وتعود الدائره
اكره الامرو النهي اود لو الغيها من افواه كل من يخاطبني
كل من بيده سور يحوط به حريتي مضمونه كلمة لا
حين تفهم الحقوق بمعنى الاستبداد
والعداله بمعنى قتل الحريات
حينها كيف لي ان اعيش
مع اناس
لا يدركوا ماهو اغلى معنى لدي في هذه الحياة

Sunday, June 18, 2006

مسلسل مصري لمبتعث

احب متابعة المسلسلات السوريه اكثر من المصريه
لا لتحيز معين ولكن للفكره
فالمسلسل السوري يعالج قضايا مختلفه وبسناريو راقي وتمثيل مقنع لابعد الحدود
مع حبي للافلام المصريه الكوميديه
الشاهد هنا لما بت امتنع عن المسلسلات المصريه والخليجيه
انا اقلكم
الخليجيه قائمه على المنظره
باستثناء العمل القطري المشترك مع دول الخليج مثل عندما تغني الزهور
لكن الباقي
مكياج فول
ملابس شيك
بيوت واو
ست تنضرب
=مسلسل خليجي ناجح
مشاكل فلوس
مشاكل فلوس
مشاكل فلوس
زواج عرفي شقه ---الخ بسبب الفلوس
مشاكل فلوس
في دي الايام ومع السفر والغربه ومدودية الراتب
تذكرت المسلسلات المصريه وحال الموظف الي طالع على المعاش
والي حماتو مصره تزوجو الخميس الجي ولا تروح عليه خطيبتو الي بيحبها 5 سنين
ومشاكل الشقه والعربيه و و و
وانا تبتع المثل
اصرف مافي الجيب ياتيك مافي الغيب
واهو جاني مافي الغيب
وجا على راسي
احساس بايخ وانت تنتظر متى يجي اول الشهر
وتستنه الراتب
او انو يعلى الراتب
و و
مره بايخه

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Life Partner

No one can live alone without family, friends, and a life partner. When you loose the caring of others, you loose the taste for life. Even if you have many friends and a strong relationship with your family, you still looking for your soul mate and life partner.

It’s hard to that special person you are looking for, but it is even harder to loose him. We always seek or look for someone that we can share the rest of our life with. Many times we think that we have finally found what are we looking for, but suddenly we find ourselves alone.

There are many ways to help you find your life partner including the traditional ways from the past, or from our parent’s generation. In my country, Saudi Arabia, the traditional way of getting marriage or seeking for our life partner is based on family relationships and parents. When the man wants to get married, he usually asks his mother to look for a girl with a specific character. After that, the mother starts looking for this girl in each ceremony or invitation .Then if she finds the lucky girl she asks her for her mother number. Next, she calls the girl’s mother and tells her about the desire that her son want to get married to her daughter .Finally, the mother of the girl ask her to come with her son, so the girl can get to know him and she can know more about the family .If they feel comfortable they comfortable with each other, they get engaged.

Nowadays, many girls and boys refuse to get married by that way, or look for other modern ways to fall in love and then get married after a few month or many years.

The communication and technology of our century helps people search for there life partner .For example, there are many websites for marriage where you can enter all the requirements that you are looking for in your partner starting from his eye color ,tall, and the shape of body to his education ,religion, and nationality. Amazing hah!!
The first time I used such a website, I found many men who had the characteristics that I was looking for in just one click, and in less than one second I got a list of them.Maybe it looks so easy you think that you won’t have any problem feel lonely with such a service, but on the other hand you should keep in mind when using marriage website that most of the people that register on are looking for friendship, and playing relationship and aren’t interesting in getting married.

Is looking for a life partner a desire or need? For me it’s both, and whatever the answer is we can’t live alone without a special person who, understands, supports, and loves. Without this person who deserve you and you can continue with him the rest of your life. Maybe it will be hard to find him, but always keep this unspoken feeling and hope that you will find him one day by the traditional or modern way.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I was always believing that there is a strong relationship between the person characters and his horoscope Not predicting what going to happen to him this day or in the future but just in character either positive or negative. Sometime I try to guess people horoscope when I meet them and my friend challenge me if I am right in my guessing or wrong. Just to look at him they way he act, his life style, some of his character, is he emotional or practical person, sociable or unsociable many thing can help to recognize, but not every time my guess be correct .For many days this belief become stronger more and more when my guess match the real and become true , but recently I met many people whose horoscope saying thing that are different or completely different than there life style and characters. That lead me to think again was I am true in judge people and dealing with them as their horoscope saying ,what they like and what they not .I don’t know what the relation between the personality and the date of birth if my mom wait two days or more before born me , is my personality will be change?
Might be change?
When I read my horoscope, and by the way I am Sagittarius I feel that I am reading my self and they describe me, but also, when I read other horoscope characteristic
I feel that I own many of these characters and it’s seemed like me.
Well the problem when it become to marriage I don’t want a man from that horoscope or looking for that horoscope? Am I silly? Maybe yes, but the problem that I saw many relationships where the man was for example Virgo and he act completely like as a Virgo man and the relationship broke (it’s just an example for Virgo I don’t mean to hurt Virgo men sorry)
Any way, when my beliefs became weak, I start thinking about horoscope as kind of playing and try to know the person by dealing with him not just by reading about his horoscope. Although, my belief is not strong as before, but I can’t stop asking people about there horoscope J lol the funny here is that many of my friends were not know there horoscope and when I told them their sign they start reading and buying books about their horoscope and become addictive and exciting about it.

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